Clone in Xcode

It’s easy to explore code in your browser when you visit a GitHub repository, but you often want to pull that code directly into the appropriate editor and try it…

| 1 minutes

It’s easy to explore code in your browser when you visit a GitHub repository, but you often want to pull that code directly into the appropriate editor and try it out. For example, if the repository contains an .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file, you might want to open that code in Xcode.

This is possible starting today with the new “Open in Xcode” button.

Open in Xcode

The button works with Xcode 9, the latest version announced at today’s WWDC, which includes GitHub integration developed by Apple. Once you authenticate into Xcode with your GitHub account, the “Open in Xcode” button will appear for relevant repositories on GitHub. Click the button and Xcode will launch, prompting you to choose a directory to clone the repository to your local machine.

Happy cloning!

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