New theme chooser for GitHub Pages

You can now build a GitHub Pages website with a Jekyll theme in just a few clicks. Create a new GitHub repository or go to an existing one. Open the…

| 1 minutes

You can now build a GitHub Pages website with a Jekyll theme in just a few clicks.

  1. Create a new GitHub repository or go to an existing one.
  2. Open the theme chooser in the GitHub Pages section of your repository settings.
  3. Select a theme.

Theme chooser screenshot

Using a Jekyll theme means that your website content lives in Markdown files, which you can edit as needed and manage using your favorite Git workflow.

As soon as you apply a Jekyll theme to your site, you can add more pages simply by committing new Markdown files.

The theme chooser replaces the old automatic page generator which didn’t use Jekyll. Rest assured, existing GitHub Pages created with the automatic page generator will automatically use a matching Jekyll theme the first time you use the theme chooser.

Finally, the Jekyll themes in the theme chooser are all open sourced on GitHub.

For additional information, check out the documentation.

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