Apple open-sources Swift on GitHub

Swift, Apple’s powerful new programming language, is now open source on GitHub. Developers can submit bug fixes and enhancements, and help bring the language to new platforms. Open Source has…

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Swift is open-source

Swift, Apple’s powerful new programming language, is now open source on GitHub. Developers can submit bug fixes and enhancements, and help bring the language to new platforms.

Open Source has been an important part of Apple’s platform for a long time. The iOS and OS X operating systems are powered by the Darwin kernel and hundreds of UNIX utilities. Apple has also played a vital role in advancing open web standards with WebKit, made significant contributions to the LLVM compiler infrastructure, and released ResearchKit earlier this year.

We warmly welcome Swift to GitHub and can’t wait to see what you build with it. Check out the showcase of projects built with Swift, and head over to the Swift repository to find out how you can get involved.

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