See results from all pull request status checks

Since we introduced the Status API, you’ve been able to improve the quality of your code by including the status of a pull request within the conversation timeline, for every…

| 1 minutes

Since we introduced the Status API, you’ve been able to improve the quality of your code by including the status of a pull request within the conversation timeline, for every push. Before today, you’ve only been able to see results from one service. Now you can see all your results at once, from multiple CI systems that test your code against different platforms to simultaneous security testing and code coverage analysis.

screenshot of status area with a few statuses

You can also see how the status of a pull request has changed over its history by clicking the icons listed next to individual commits.

screenshot of a commit with multiple statuses

If you’re interested in how to set up your own statuses, take a look at our Status API docs along with this guide to building your own CI service. You can also check out some the services that use the Status API to help you keep your code clean, confirm your tests are passing, and make sure contributors have agreed to your CLA.

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