Introducing GitHub Traffic Analytics

The holidays are over and we’re getting back into the shipping spirit at GitHub. We want to kick off 2014 with a bang, so today we’re happy to launch Traffic…

| 1 minutes

The holidays are over and we’re getting back into the shipping spirit at GitHub.
We want to kick off 2014 with a bang, so today we’re happy to launch Traffic analytics!

You can now see detailed analytics data for repositories that you’re an owner of or that you can push to. Just
load up the graphs page for your particular repository and you’ll see a new link to
the traffic page.


When you land on the traffic page you’ll see a lot of useful information about your
repositories including where people are coming from and what they’re viewing.

github traffic

Looking at these numbers for our own repositories has been fun, sometimes surprising, and always interesting.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

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