The GitHub Data Challenge

The GitHub public timeline is now easy to query and analyze. With hundreds of thousands of events in the timeline every day, there are countless stories to tell. Excited to…

| 1 minutes

The GitHub public timeline is now easy to query and analyze. With hundreds of thousands of events in the timeline every day, there are countless stories to tell.

Excited to play around with all this data? We’d love to see what you come up with.

To Enter

Send a link to a gist with your graph(s) along with a description to before May 21st.


GitHub staff will be voting on our favorite visualizations. Every entry will be included on our data showcase, but there are prizes to be had for the top three spots.

1st Prize: $200 to the GitHub Shop

2nd Prize: $100 to the GitHub Shop

3rd Prize: $50 to the GitHub Shop

We will also feature the three winning entries on the GitHub blog. Winners will be announced the week of May 21st.

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