More GitHub Office Hours and Welcome Classes

The free GitHub Office Hours and Intro To GitHub classes (launched here, and here) have been a great success as we’ve piloted them over the last few months. One instance…

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The free GitHub Office Hours and Intro To GitHub classes (launched here, and here) have been a great success as we’ve piloted them over the last few months. One instance had over 200 registrants. Based on the enthusiastic response, we’re going to continue offering these free sessions on a regular basis.

New Topics in 2012

We’ve gathered some excellent attendee feedback on ways to flavor future webinars, including mini-coverage of Pull Requests, Organizations, GitHub:Enterprise, Issues, and the GitHub API. You’ll start to see those requested topics roll out in the new year.

Upcoming Dates

The next batch of class instances includes dates in November, December, and January.

Office Hours

In the spirit of supporting our community, we’re frequently offering Office Hours in which any user of GitHub can ask Git and GitHub questions in a public forum. We’ll have a web-based chat channel using the Campfire infrastructure. No pre-registration is required. Just be one of the first 100 people to drop by the chat room during the times noted above.

Basics of GitHub

Are you new to Git and GitHub? Would you like to learn the basics but haven’t taken the time to read the GitHub Help pages yet? Join us for a free one hour course titled “The Basics of Using GitHub” held in a live webinar format with Matthew McCullough, the GitHub Git Trainer.

This class showcases setting up Git at the command line, via GitHub for Mac, or within Eclipse via eGit. It offers GitHub newcomers a tour of what this feature-loaded version control tool and an equally powerful web application can do for developers, designers, and managers in both the open source and commercial software worlds.

The class size is limited. Seats, though free, are offered on a first-come first-serve basis. The class will be run every few weeks using the Windows-and-Mac-supporting GoToWebinar infrastructure.

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