More Conf Ticket Give-aways

We’re changing things up a bit for the next conference ticket give-away… We’re doing two at once! I have two tickets to GOTO Amsterdam and three tickets to RubyShift in…

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We’re changing things up a bit for the next conference ticket give-away… We’re doing two at once! I have two tickets to GOTO Amsterdam and three tickets to RubyShift in Ukraine.

GOTO Amsterdam Conference takes place October 13-14th and with 16 tracks with 40 presentations. It also includes a training day on October 15th. If you’re interested in entering to win a ticket to this conference, fork this gist and answer some questions.

RubyShift is scheduled for October 22nd to 23rd in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. It’s a single track Ruby conference. Fork this gist and answer some different questions to enter this one.

Both contests are open until Monday, September 12th. I’ll announce the winners Wednesday, September 14th.

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