GitHub Reflog v1.3.28

Welcome to the second edition of The GitHub Reflog. This is a new weekly chronicle of remarkable GitHub repos. For previous articles, check out The Reflog Archive. Featured Repo of…

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Welcome to the second edition of The GitHub Reflog. This is a new weekly chronicle of remarkable GitHub repos. For previous articles, check out The Reflog Archive.


oCanvas is a middle layer for generating Canvas regions. Instead of dealing directly with pixels, you manage a set of display objects. oCanvas provides an elegant API and full event system for manipulating these objects, performing all the hard work in the background. From there you can create, manipulate, and animate to your heart’s content.

Check out the polished demo page to see it in action.

Remarkable Repos

  • evanphx/gx:
    Gx is a Git tool that assists in merge conflict resolution. If you’re using Git properly these are hard to come by, but every once in a while, a merge conflict is unavoidable. Git’s merge resolution interface is a little difficult to deal with sometimes, so Gx gives you a simple interface for handling those conflicts.
  • BigZaphod/Chameleon:
    This project’s massive undertaking is to replicate Apple’s UIKit, used extensively for writing iOS apps, for OSX. It’s an cleanroom implementation that mirrors the API exactly. The project is currently 9 months in development has about 60% UIKit coverage. Chameleon’s best feature is that it allows you to build apps that target both iOS and OSX with the same codebase. If you’re developing OSX applications, this is definitely with taking a look at.
  • jugyo/earthquake:
    This is an awesome new Twitter client for your terminal. Written in Ruby, Earthquake features proper OAuth authentication, streaming support, terminal colors, and tab completion. It appears to have been implemented specifically for the recent earthquakes in Japan. It’s always great to see the open source community continuously stepping up to assist in times of need.
  • twigkit/tempo:
    Tempo is zero-dependency JavaScript template engine built on top of old-fashioned HTML. It’s designed to make rendering of JSON content as simple as possible. It currently features nested data support, boolean conditionals, and gracefully falls back if JavaScript isn’t available.

Promising Repos

  • shinh/maloader:
    This project looks very promising. It’s a x86-64 Mach-O executable loader for Linux. It can run most of the Xcode toolchain from Linux. It can currently run Xcode’s gcc-4.2, otool, dyldinfo, dwarfdump, cpp-4.2, dsymutil, and others. Maloader plans to support commandline applications only at this time.
  • antimatter15/player:
    This unique MP3 player is an excellent showcase of HTML5’s capabilities. Point it to a folder on your system, and it recursively finds MP3 files, parses the ID3 tag metadata, and plays them from the browser. Check out the demo to give it a try!

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