Reply to Comments from Email

You should notice a small change to the From address on your email notifications now: they’re no longer from We’re now accepting replies from most email notifications that you’ll…

| 1 minutes

You should notice a small change to the From address on your email notifications now: they’re no longer from

We’re now accepting replies from most email notifications that you’ll receive:

  • Issue comments
  • Commit comments
  • Pull Requests
  • Direct messages

The biggest change in all this is how these replies are displayed. We figured out early on in testing that we couldn’t expect people to write Markdown. People are going to be dumping code or stacktraces, and will expect them to look nicely. Also, we need to accomodate the various top posters and bottom posters among our users (while holding judgement).

The new email comment formatting still has some quirks, but we think that the power to reply to emails was too much to hold back. Try it out, and let us know in support if you have problems.

A few caveats:

  • Plain text email is vastly preferred. Essentially, we strip all HTML from HTML emails before formatting.
  • Email attachments are currently ignored. There’s no place to upload assets to issues or comments anyway.
  • You need to send from an email address that is attached to your GitHub account.
  • If you have problems, giving us a URL and/or the email Message-ID is helpful.

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