hub – git with github

This week I released hub, a command line script which adds GitHub knowledge to a few git subcommands. For example, clone: $ hub clone cytzol/cope Initialized empty Git repository in…

| 1 minutes

This week I released hub, a command line script which adds GitHub
knowledge to a few git subcommands.

For example, clone:

$ hub clone cytzol/cope
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/chris/cope/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 415, done.
... etc ...

Because hub only adds functionality, it’s safe to alias to git in
your shell:

$ alias git=hub
$ git clone citizen428/ClojureX
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/chris/ClojureX/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 89, done.
... etc ...

The simplest way to install it is by pulling down the script and
sticking it in your $PATH:

curl -s > ~/bin/hub && chmod 755 !#:4

For more information, see the README or the man page.

Oh, and here’s the list of enhanced subcommands.

git clone

$ git clone schacon/ticgit
> git clone git://

$ git clone -p schacon/ticgit
> git clone

$ git clone resque
> git clone git://

$ git clone -p resque
> git clone

git remote add

$ git remote add rtomayko
> git remote add rtomayko git://

$ git remote add -p rtomayko
> git remote add rtomayko

git init

$ git init -g
> git init
> git remote add origin

git help

$ git help
> (improved git help)
$ git help hub
> (hub man page)

Enjoy, and please contribute!

Update: hub requires Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 or 1.9.1.

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