GitHub Meetup SF #5

Look at you. Fretting over your busy social calendar. You know its GitHub drinkup Thursday and yet you’ve just heard about the Functional Alcoholics meetup going on the same night!…

| 1 minutes

Look at you. Fretting over your busy social calendar. You know its GitHub drinkup Thursday and yet you’ve just heard about the Functional Alcoholics meetup going on the same night! You feel torn. Your palms sweat. Now what are you going to do??

Tell you what. We at GitHub work hard every day to make your life easier, and relieving the weight of your many social burdens is no exception. Instead of making you choose between your favorite late-week, tech-centric drinking events, we’re going to combine them. That’s right. Put them together. In one venue. So. You. Can. Be. At. Both.

Just blew your mind, didn’t I?

The Facts:

Church Key in North Beach, 7:30pm

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