YQL 3rd Party Table Definitions

Yahoo recently extended YQL to enable developers to define custom table schemas for 3rd party services. Seeing this, @spullara decided to collect some custom table schemas together in one place.…

| 1 minutes

Yahoo recently extended YQL to enable developers to define custom table schemas for 3rd party services. Seeing this, @spullara decided to collect some custom table schemas together in one place.

I’ve actually started up a project on github called yql-tables to store useful table definitions and will be taking submissions from the community. You can try them out by ‘use’ing them directly from the git repository or by pulling them onto your own server accessible from the YQL servers.

Read more about YQL and custom schemas on Sam’s blog. The repo has only been up a few days but @davglass has already contributed a schema for GitHub. Follow his lead and share your YQL table definitions for the good of mankind!

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