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gh > hg

Surely you've seen the new GitHub gem features? Well it just got more awesome - again! Now you can use it in place of the normal @git@ binary. $ github…


Surely you’ve seen the new GitHub gem features? Well it just got more awesome – again! Now you can use it in place of the normal @git@ binary.

$ github branch
* master

Every @git@ command will fall through.

But that’s not all – we’ve also added a nice shorthand alias: @gh@

$ gh status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

You can even use it with Shawn Pearce’s git-completion bash script. Just add this magic incantation to your bashrc file:

# assuming ~/.git-completion is where your complete script lives
source ~/.git-completion
complete -o default -o nospace -F _git gh

Now you’ll get superchared @git@ completion while using @gh@.

We’ve also added a handful of bugfixes related to the @network@ command. Check it out:

$ gem install defunkt-github --source=

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